Financial Foundations: Part 1

Building a Robust Business Framework

Join us for the first part of our two-part financial webinar series, "Financial Foundations." In this session, we'll unravel the significance of financial structure and growth for a thriving business. Delve into the core reasons why a solid financial foundation is paramount, including the ability to achieve financial goals, manage risks, make informed decisions, and enhance overall financial performance. Gain insights into the different legal structures for businesses, such as sole proprietorship, general partnership, LLC, corporation (S vs. C), cooperative, and nonprofit corporation. Discover the essential elements of a robust financial system and understand how incorporating it into your business can lead to increased profitability, improved cash flow management, reduced risk, and enhanced decision-making capabilities. Don't miss this opportunity to fortify your business for financial success.

Presented by


Wendy Roberts

Wendy Roberts prides herself on creating winning strategies while helping her clients maximize their resources and their profits. As a CPA, she knows her way around corporate financials. As an entrepreneur, start-up CEO & CVO and a former corporate executive, Wendy offers a broad insight into finding solutions to help her clients achieve exceptional growth and financial success. She has a BS in Accounting from Indiana University, MBA courses at the University of Tampa and years of experience counseling clients on financial and profitable success.